Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Starting a business with nothing

The sixth step in building an online
"store" that has the capacity to reach
a worldwide audience is to find
 affiliate products.

Now, it is important
 to listen closely: this means that you
 don't need to have a product of your
 own.  You don't even need a website.
  What you need is a deep sense of
what YOU are excited about, find a
group of people who are also excited,
and find a product or service that
you yourself use and love.  Then
you can HONESTLY recommend
 it to others.

Once you find such a good or
service, you can approach them
directly and ask if they have an
affiliate program.  Or you can go
to a site like "Clickbank" and search
to find products with affiliate
programs.  Sign up, and they will
 give you a personalized link.

Here's a scenario for you: you are
dead broke.   You love, say, chocolate.
  You Google affiliate programs and
 find your favorite chocolate confections,
sold on Clickbank.  Sign up, get a link.
  Now.   Start a blog about chocolate,
 "Steve's Chocolate Blog." 
dead broke, unemployed, so you have
lots of time, right?  All you have to
 leverage is your time and energy.
So every day you post articles on your
 blog talking about wonderful things
 about chocolate, and on that blog,
 you put your affiliate link. 

Now.   You spend a full eight-hour
day (or as little as one hour...or as
 much as twelve.  How much time
do you have?  How desperate are
 you to build a business?) googling
"candy blog" or "chocolate blog" or
other things, and you find a "starving
hive" of chocoholics and blogs and
discussion groups. 
And you read
 them, and post intelligent, useful
Funny comments.
 NEVER "spam" by just dropping
a link.  Give them value.
them your heart.  Share your
 love of delicious chocolate with
 no more than about fifty words.
  Shouldn't take you more than
 five-ten minutes per blog post. 

With every post, add a link back
 to YOUR blog.   Traffic will follow.
  On your blog, sing the honest
praises of the affiliate product,
and talk glowingly (AND
 HONESTLY) about your
experiences with it.
People will
 buy, if they believe you.  NEVER LIE.

If you are self-published, then
this is more complicated: you
have to have a way to deliver
your product to the customer,
either digital download or mail.

 And how to set up and take
electronic payments.  
You will
have to research how to do these
things...Google is your friend.

You will make sales.  Checks
will begin to arrive in your mailbox,
 or Paypal account.   And you have
 invested NOTHING but time. 
You didn't need a product, or a
web site. 
You have just learned
the secret of making money
online, using nothing but your
 passion, your time, and your
If you don't have internet
you can manage your blog from
 a library or friend's house.

This works.
You can bootstrap
 yourself from homelessness to
 a multi-million dollar business,
just by starting here.
Also, commit
to learn one new thing about
sales, marketing, and the Internet
 marketing revolution every day.

Every word I've posted here is true.
  I've invested thousands of dollars
 of time and money learning this
over the last twenty years, and
 I've decided to give it away
because people are hurting, and
 I want to give ANYONE with
the will to earn a living the
chance to take a shot at this.

Almost two billion people are
on the internet.  Only a few
 thousand people know how
to actually make money on it.
 I've laid out the simplest way
 I know, requiring no investment,
 no computer skill, and nothing
 but honesty and passion.

Good luck!


Your ability to use this pattern,
or any pattern of success, will be
 based on many factors, including
 your ability to set clear focused
 goals, maintain high energy
through emotional depression,
and shut out the negative voices
(external and internal) that are
 GUARANTEED to devil you.

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